Bourgeois Nationalism or Proletarian Internationalism?


The question of the fight against racial discrimination is by no means confined to humanitarian considerations. It has far greater and far deeper significance for the working class.

Central to the proletariat’s fight against racism is the recognition that the fight against racism is an integral part of its struggle against capitalism; it is the recognition by the proletariat that in the struggle for its own social emancipation it cannot make any significant advance unless at the same time it wages an uncompromising and relentless struggle against racism, for racism divides, weakens, and renders impotent the working-class movement.

by Harpal Brar

ISBN: 978-1-874613-08-7

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The question of the fight against racial discrimination is by no means confined to humanitarian considerations. It has far greater and far deeper significance for the working class.

Central to the proletariat’s fight against racism is the recognition that the fight against racism is an integral part of its struggle against capitalism; it is the recognition by the proletariat that in the struggle for its own social emancipation it cannot make any significant advance unless at the same time it wages an uncompromising and relentless struggle against racism, for racism divides, weakens, and renders impotent the working-class movement.

by Harpal Brar

ISBN: 978-1-874613-08-7