Imperialism in the Middle East


He who would understand the economics and politics of the Middle East from the beginning of the twentieth century must learn to spell, pronounce and really grasp the significance of just one word – OIL.

This book is, on the one hand, an attempt to explain the events in the Middle East in the light of the above statement and, on the other hand, by way of an expression of our solidarity with the struggle of the Arab peoples, especially the Palestinian people, against imperialist war, aggression, and brigandage.

By Harpal Brar

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He who would understand the economics and politics of the Middle East from the beginning of the twentieth century must learn to spell, pronounce and really grasp the significance of just one word – OIL.

This book is, on the one hand, an attempt to explain the events in the Middle East in the light of the above statement and, on the other hand, by way of an expression of our solidarity with the struggle of the Arab peoples, especially the Palestinian people, against imperialist war, aggression, and brigandage.

by Harpal Brar and Ella Rule

ISBN: 978-1-874613-12-5