Britain’s Road to Socialism?


The British Road to Socialism (BRS) was first published in 1951 and set the orientation of what was then the only communist party in Britain – and an integral part of the global movement that seemed to be well on its way to becoming the chief force in global politics and human history.

Within that powerful post-war communist movement, however, there raged a fierce battle for leadership between a revolutionary communist line and a capitulationist ‘revisionist’ economic line – the latter seeking to preserve or reintroduce elements of the market economy within socialist states and to reach a rapprochement with capitalist imperialism internationally.

It was the victory of the revisionists that led to the demise of the once-glorious USSR and brought the international working class to its present low point, once more facing a global economic crisis of monopoly capitalism and its drive toward world war.

The BRS was a minor wing of the revisionist section of the international communist movement. Its central premise has remained constant ever since 1951, and can be crudely but accurately summarised in the slogan: ‘Vote Labour everywhere!’

This book examines the history and ideas of the BRS, contrasting them with the real history of the Labour party, to demonstrate that the British working class has made and will make no progress towards its liberation from capitalist wage slavery until it discards the practice, slogan and justifying ‘theory’ of voting for and supporting the Labour party.

A century of policy and practice has incontrovertibly proved that the Labour party is not a party that fights for the interests of working people, but against them. It has been and remains a ‘Tory party mark two’; an integral part of the dictatorship of the monopoly capitalist class.

by Ranjeet Brar

ISBN: 978-1-913286-07-1

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The British Road to Socialism (BRS) was first published in 1951 and set the orientation of what was then the only communist party in Britain – and an integral part of the global movement that seemed to be well on its way to becoming the chief force in global politics and human history.

Within that powerful post-war communist movement, however, there raged a fierce battle for leadership between a revolutionary communist line and a capitulationist ‘revisionist’ economic line – the latter seeking to preserve or reintroduce elements of the market economy within socialist states and to reach a rapprochement with capitalist imperialism internationally.

It was the victory of the revisionists that led to the demise of the once-glorious USSR and brought the international working class to its present low point, once more facing a global economic crisis of monopoly capitalism and its drive toward world war.

The BRS was a minor wing of the revisionist section of the international communist movement. Its central premise has remained constant ever since 1951, and can be crudely but accurately summarised in the slogan: ‘Vote Labour everywhere!’

This book examines the history and ideas of the BRS, contrasting them with the real history of the Labour party, to demonstrate that the British working class has made and will make no progress towards its liberation from capitalist wage slavery until it discards the practice, slogan and justifying ‘theory’ of voting for and supporting the Labour party.

A century of policy and practice has incontrovertibly proved that the Labour party is not a party that fights for the interests of working people, but against them. It has been and remains a ‘Tory party mark two’; an integral part of the dictatorship of the monopoly capitalist class.

by Ranjeet Brar

ISBN: 978-1-913286-07-1

Additional information

Weight 0.171 kg
Dimensions 22 × 14.5 × 0.5 cm

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